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Why We Worship God?

If we move our heads around we can see that a major section of society do worship God. They never skip their routine to worship the almighty. Even some of them get tattoos which imply the meaning of God is greater than the highs and lows. It is really a great thing to see and feel how people have been worshiping god for ages and they are having complete faith in it. But have you ever wondered why we all have so much dedication toward worshiping God? Well, there are several reasons behind the cause that why we all worshiped God for a long time period. Check on these reasons below to understand the main reasons why people have faith in God.

Do we all Worship God without question?

If we subject this statement to analysis that we all worship God without question then we cannot really swing through one side. There are people who question the existence of God as well and others worship without any question. At the same time, a section of people is agnostic who neither believe nor disbelieve the idea of God and still trying to find the truth. So not all of us worship God but yes a major section of society is having a deep faith in God and these people worship God as well.

Reasons why we worship God

Here is a list of major causes that help us to understand why we worship God. From where such deep faith comes in our heart and mind towards God. Have a look at these reasons to get a clear understanding of the concept of worshiping God.

· It gives us a sense optimism

The first and foremost reason that makes us worship God is that it gives us a sense of optimism. If we will not worship the almighty we will not be able to feel a ray of hope. Pessimism will greet our life in such a scenario as we cannot shed off our worries to God to hope for the best for us. That is why people do not want to stop worshiping God as it gives them a sense of optimism in this world. Majority of the folk worship is good to have this hope and optimism in life forever.

· We feel connected to a supreme authority guiding us

When we are worshiping the God it gives us a feel that a supreme authority is guiding us in the form of God. People who stop worshiping the God have to go through a very weird feeling where nobody is looking at their good and bad deeds. So when we are worshiping we have this fear of not committing wrong things as God can punish us in such case. At the same time we do not feel empty and mission less when we are worshiping the God. So this ads to another big reason why we worship god in our life and show our faith towards the Almighty.

· Save us from anarchy

The next thing that we can associate with the worship of God is that people worship the almighty because it saves them from anarchy. The sense of God gives them a law and order sort of functioning. But when there will be no worshiping of the God there will occur huge anarchy where people can fight and murder each other without fearing about the God. At the same time it spread anti-social elements in the society rapidly. Anarchy is a state where there is no management and world is in chaos. So to get away from this anarchy people trust in God and show their faith towards the God as well.

· It save us from depression

Spirituality is a big way by which we connect to the God and worship Him. When a person is connected to the God it saves him from depression as he is doing regular meditation to chase the spirituality. At the same time such people realize the truth of life and come out of this worldly cycle of sorrows and happiness. They understand the life through spirituality by worshiping the God and connect to it also. That is how we can see people worship the God as it save them from depression.


So these are the major reasons that we can give behind the cause of worshiping the God. Apart from it there are people who have a deep faith to worship the God because they get their desired fulfilled and according to them God is contributing the efforts behind it. So you can see how the worship of God is too much important for people and they cannot compromise with their worship even when going on vacation and trips with family or friends for that matter.

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